Home / Must Eats / 8 Appetizing Canadian Foods to Give You Hunger Pangs

8 Appetizing Canadian Foods to Give You Hunger Pangs

By | Last Updated: 15th January 2024

Canadian foods get the global recognition due to European, Asian and Caribbean settlements in the land, boosting the country’s cuisine to a mentionable extent. The cuisine, on the other hand, has also imbibed those foreign influences to produce fusion dishes. Here enlisted some of the famous Canadian dishes that include starters, main courses, and desserts.

Canadian Food

1. Poutine – A Canadian snack food

Poutine Canadian Snack Food


What is it: French fries pampered with cheese curds and brown gravy. This is a signature dish of the province Québec, but now surpassing the border, it has reached every corner of the state.

What does it taste like: Depending on its toppings, as locals often use sausage or bacon, the taste differs. But the basic crunchiness and the soft semi-molten cheese taste superb. The gravy is supposed to be hot while the rest of the ingredients served at room temperatures.

2. Peameal Bacon – A favorite bacon food

Peameal Bacon Canadian Traditional Food


What is it: Cornmeal coated pork loin. Originally it was rolled in powered yellow peas, hence the name.

What does it taste like:  The scrumptious and wholesome bacon makes a good stuffing for burgers as well.

3. Maple Roast Turkey and Gravy – Canadian Thanksgiving food

Maple Roast Turkey and Gravy Canadian Thanksgiving Food


What is it: Roasted turkey stuffed with apple, cranberries, and sausage, being typically served on Thanksgivings.

What does it taste like: The sweetness of maple syrup dominates your taste buds, while the chicken stock and apple brandy-based gravy with a seasoning of salt and pepper make the preparation worth gobbling up.

4. Flipper Pie – The traditional delicacy

Flipper Pie Typical Canadian Food


What is it: Meat pie including flippers of harp seals as a chief ingredient. In the Canadian island of Newfoundland, this is customarily consumed during April and May since these two months are seal hunting phase for locals.

What does it taste like: The well-baked pastry along with vegetables and meat has a hearty flavor.

5. Butter Tart – A native food

Butter Tart Typical Canadian Food


What is it: Golden pastry tarts including sugar, butter, and eggs sometimes with variations like raisins, pecans, or walnuts.

What does it taste like: From evening snacks with coffee to in-between-meals snacks, butter tart wins your heart with their crunchy tart shell and sweet stuffing.

6. Nanaimo Bars – A dessert

Nanaimo Bars Canadian Traditional Food


What is it: Square shaped bars layered with butter icing and chocolates, deriving its name from the city Nanaimo of Vancouver Island.

What does it taste like: The crunchiness of the wafer base is balanced with the chocolate and custard flavors of the toppings.

7. Bannock – A typical eatable

Bannock Canadian Traditional Food


What is it: Flat round bread prepared from grain, served in triangle slices.

What does it taste like: The wispy texture melts in your mouth, leaving a fine taste of blended sugar and flour.

8. Touton – A popular dish

Touton Popular Candian Food


What is it: Pancake ideally served with corn syrup and molasses.

What does it taste like: The sweetness is further enhanced with syrupy flavor making your taste buds crave for more.

The dried and fried dishes of Canada are fast and easier to make, being so widely accepted all over the world. So, if a Canadian vacation is on the card, be assured lots of delicious dishes.

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